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Downloading Free References - Model KTSP, Silabus, RPP

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Blog ini menyediakan beberapa model Kurikulum Tingkat Satuan Pendidikan (KTSP), Silabus dan contoh Rencana Pelaksanaan Pembelajaran (RPP) untuk berbagai mata pelajaran untuk tingkat Sekolah Dasar (SD/MI), Sekolah Menegah Pertama (SMP/MTs) dan Sekolah Menegah Atas (SMA/MA).

Tingkat SD/ MI
Model KTSP, Slabus dan RPP untuk mata pelajaran :

KTSP Active English SD kelas 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6
KTSP Cakrawala Sosial SD kelas 1A, 2A, 3A, 4A, 5A, 6A
KTSP Cinta Bahasa kelas 1A, 2A | KTSP Cinta Bahasa, 3A, 4A, 5A, 6A
KTSP Dokumen I SD
KTSP Gemar Berbahasa SD kelas 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6
KTSP Gemar Berhitung SD kelas1A, 2A, 3A, 4A, 5A, 6A
KTSP Jendela IPA SD kelas 1, 2, 3A, 4A, 5A, 6A
KTSP Kewarganegaraan SD kelas 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6
KTSP Khazanah Islam SD kelas 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6
KTSP Cakrawala Sosial SD kelas 1B, 2B, 3B, 4B, 5B, 6B
KTSP Gemar Berhitung SD kelas 1B, 2B, 3B, 4B, 5B, 6B
KTSP Jendela IPA SD kelas 3B, 4B, 5B, 6B

Tingkat SMP/ MTs
Model KTSP, Slabus dan RPP untuk mata pelajaran :

KTSP Cermat BI SMP 1A | KTSP Cermat BI SMP 2A | KTSP Cermat BI SMP 3A
KTSP English SMP 1A | KTSP English SMP 2A | KTSP English SMP 3A
KTSP Ekonomi SMP 1 | KTSP Ekonomi SMP 2 | KTSP Ekonomi SMP 3
KTSP Geografi SMP 1 | KTSP Geografi SMP 2 | KTSP Geografi SMP 3
KTSP Matematika SMP 1 | KTSP Matematika SMP 2 | KTSP Matematika SMP 3
KTSP Matematika SMP 1A | KTSP Matematika SMP 2A | KTSP Matematika SMP 3A
KTSP Mutiara Islam SMP 1 | KTSP Mutiara Islam SMP 2 | KTSP Mutiara Islam SMP 3
KTSP Sains Biologi SMP 1 | KTSP Sains Biologi SMP 2 | KTSP Sains Biologi SMP 3
KTSP Sains Fisika SMP 1 | KTSP Sains Fisika SMP 3
KTSP Sejarah SMP 1 | KTSP Sejarah SMP 3
KTSP Cermat BI 1B | KTSP Cermat BI 2B | KTSP Cermat BI 3B
KTSP Effective English 1B | KTSP Effective English 2B | KTSP Effective English 3B

Tingkat SMA/ MA
Model KTSP, Slabus dan RPP untuk mata pelajaran :

KTSP KD Ekonomi SMA 1 | KTSP KD Ekonomi SMA 2 | KTSP KD Ekonomi SMA 3
KTSP Fisika Dasar SMA 1A | KTSP Fisika Dasar SMA 2A | KTSP Fisika Dasar SMA 3A
KTSP Integrasi Islam SMA 1 | KTSP Integrasi Islam SMA 2 | KTSP Integrasi Islam SMA 3
KTSP Matematika SMA 1 | KTSP Matematika SMA 2-IPA | KTSP Matematika SMA 2-IPS
KTSP Matematika SMA 3-IPA | KTSP Matematika SMA 3-IPS
KTSP Kompetensi BI SMA 1A | KTSP Kompetensi BI SMA 2A | KTSP Kompetensi BI SMA 3A
KTSP Mmt Inovatif SMA 1A | KTSP Mmt Inovatif SMA 2 - IPS | KTSP Mmt Inovatif SMA 2A - IPA
KTSP Mmt Inovatif SMA 3 - IPS | KTSP Mmt Inovatif SMA 3A - IPA
KTSP Sains Biologi SMA 1A | KTSP Sains Biologi SMA 2A | KTSP Sains Biologi SMA 3A
KTSP Sains Kimia SMA 1A | KTSP Sains Kimia SMA 2A | KTSP Sains Kimia SMA 3A
KTSP Fisika Dasar SMA 1B | KTSP Fisika Dasar SMA 2B | KTSP Fisika Dasar SMA 3B
KTSP Mmt Inovatif SMA 1B | KTSP Mmt Inovatif SMA 2B - IPA | KTSP Mmt Inovatif SMA 3B - IPA
KTSP Sains Biologi SMA 1B | KTSP Sains Biologi SMA 2B | KTSP Sains Biologi SMA 3B
KTSP Sains Kimia SMA 1B | KTSP Sains Kimia SMA 2B | KTSP Sains Kimia SMA 3B

link list for free download references:

Silabus - Kurikulum Tingkat Satuan Pendidikan (KTSP)

Sebagai mana ketentuan dalam Peraturan Pemerintah Nomor 19 Tahun 2005 tentang Standar Nasional Pendidikan, setiap sekolah/ madrasah mengambangkan Kurikulum Tingkat Satuan Pendidikan berdasarkan Standar Kompetensi Lulusan (SKL) dan Standar Isi (SI) dan berpedoman kepada panduan yang ditetapkan oleh badan standar Nasional Pendidikan (BSNP). Panduan Penyusunan KTSP terdiri atas dua bagian, yaitu bagian pertama berupa panduan Umum dan bagian kedua Model KTSP

Penduan Umum memuat pedoman dan rambu-rambu yang perlu diacu, dijabarkan dari berbagai ketentuan-ketentuan tentang kurikulum yang terdapat dalam UU No. 20 tahun 2003 dan PP No. 19 tahun 2005, serta urutan pada umumnya yang berlaku dalam pengambangan kurikulum, Panduan Umum diterbitkan terpisah dari model KTSP. Satuan Pendidikan yang telah melakukan uji coba kurikulum 2004 secarah menyeluruh diperkirakan mampu secara mandiri mengambangkan kurikulumnya berdasarkan SKL, SI dan Panduan Umum.

Bagian kedua Panduan Penyusunan KTSP terdiri atas contoh atau model KTSP sebagai hasil pengembangan SKL dan SI dengan menggunakan Panduan Umum. Sebagai contoh hendaknya tidak secarah utuh digunakan oleh satuan pendidikan, namun dapat dimanfaatkan sebagai referensi. Satuan pendidikan perlu memperhatikan kepentingan dan kekhasan daerah, sekolah dan peserta pendidik dalam mengembangkan KTSP. Untuk itu dapat menggunakan KTSP sebagai referensi dengan melakukan perubahan dan penyesuaian yang diperlakukan. Model KTSP terlampir berupa model silabus setiap mata pelajaran, ditujukan terutama bagi satuan pendidikan yang saat ini belum mampu mengembangkan kurikulum secara mandiri. Bagi satuan pendidikan ini, mempunya waktu sampai dengan tiga tahun untuk mengembangkan kurikulumnya, yaitu selambat-lambatnya pada tahun ajaran 2009/2010.

BSNP menyampaikan penghargaan dan ucapan terima kasih kepada banyak pakar yang berasal dari berbagai perguruan tinggi, Pusat Kurikulum dan Direktorat di lingkungan Depdiknas, serta Depag. Selain itu ucapan terima kasih juga ditujukan kepada guru bidang studi di lingkungan SMP dan MTs yang telah membantu proses validasi dan uji ketebacaan. Berkat bantuan dan kerjasama yang baik dari mereka, model silabus mata pelajaran untuk SMP/MTs ini dapat diselesiakan.

Jakarta, Juli 2006
Ketua BSNP

Bambang Suhendro

Pengantar Silabus dan RPP

Dalam rangka pelaksanaan Kurikulum Tingkat Satuan Pendidikan (KTSP), Departemen Pendidikan Nasional telah menetapkan karangka dasar, standar kompetensi lulusan, standar kompetensi dan kompetensi dasar setiap setiap mata pelajaran untuk setiap satuan pendidikan. Sedangkan pengambangan perangkat pembelajaran, seperti silebus dan sistem penilaian merupakan kewenangan satuan pendidikan (sekolah) dibawah koordinasi dan supervisi pemerintah Kabupaten/Kota.

Untuk membantu sekolah dan pemerintah daerah dalam melaksanakan Kurikulum Tingkat Satuan Pendidikan (KTSP), Direktorat pembinaan sekolah Menengah Pertama, Direktorat Jenderal Manejemen Pendidikan Dasar dan Menengah, menerbitkan Pedoman Pengambangan Silabus dan Rencana Pelaksanaan Pembelajaran untuk setiap mata pelajaran, untuk membantu sekolah dan Kabupanten/Kota dalam mengambangkan silabus dan sistem penilaian.

Pedoman Umum Pengambangan Silabus ini berisi rambu-rambu umum untuk mengambangakan Silabus untuk setiap mata pelajaran yang mencakup teori dan konsep serta contoh dalam menjelaskan standar kompetensi, kompetensi dasar, indikator, materi pokok, pengalaman belajar, materi pokok pengalaman belajar alokasi waktu, dan sumber bahan. Pedoman Umum Pengambangan Sistem Penilaian mencakup standar kompetensi, kompetensi dasar, indikator, materi pokok dan penilaian (jenis penilaian, jenis instrumen dan rumusan soal).

Buku Pedoman/web ini terwujud berkat kerja sama Direktorat Pembinaan Sekolah Menengah Pertama, dengan Universitas Negeri Jakarta, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Universitas Negeri Semarang, Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta, Universitas Negeri Surabaya, dan Universitas Negeri Malang. Buku pedoman/web ini juga telah divalidasi di sekolah oleh para guru dan praktisi pendidikan lainnya.

Mudah-mudahan buku pedoman/web ini dapat bermanfaat bagi semua pihak yang memerlukannya

Jakarta, Oktober 2006
Pembinaan Sekolah Menengah Pertama

Hamid Muhammad, Ph.D.
Nip. 131 291 766

Perangkat Mengajar (Silabus) dan Rencana Pelaksanaan Pembelajaran (RPP)

Silabus dan RPP untuk Kurikulum Tingkat Satuan Pendidikan (KTSP) harus memiliki kriteria sesuai dengan :



Pasal 17
(1) Kurikulum tingkat satuan pendidikan SD/MI/SDLB, SMP/MTs/SMPLB, SMA/MA/SMALB, SMK/MAK, atau bentuk lain yang sederajat dikembangkan sesuai dengan satuan pendidikan, potensi daerah/karakteristik daerah, sosial budaya masyarakat setempat, dan peserta didik.
(2) Sekolah dan komite sekolah, atau madrasah dan komite madrasah, mengembangkan kurikulum tingkat satuan pendidikan dan silabusnya berdasarkan kerangka dasar kurikulum dan standar kompetensi lulusan, di bawah supervisi dinas kabupaten/kota yang bertanggungjawab di bidang pendidikan untuk SD, SMP, SMA, dan SMK, dan departemen yang menangani urusan pemerintahan di bidang agama untuk MI, MTs, MA, dan MAK.
(3) Kurikulum tingkat satuan pendidikan dan silabusnya untuk program paket A, B, dan C ditetapkan oleh dinas kabupaten/kota yang bertanggungjawab di bidang pendidikan berdasarkan kerangka dasar kurikulum sesuai dengan peraturan pemerintah ini dan standar kompetensi lulusan. pp-19-2005-standar-nasional-pendidikan.wpd
(4) Kurikulum tingkat satuan pendidikan untuk setiap program studi di perguruan tinggi dikembangkan dan ditetapkan oleh masing-masing perguruan tinggi dengan mengacu Standar Nasional Pendidikan.

Pasal 19
(1) Proses pembelajaran pada satuan pendidikan diselenggarakan secara interaktif, inspiratif, menyenangkan, menantang, memotivasi peserta didik untuk berpartisipasi aktif, serta memberikan ruang yang cukup bagi prakarsa, kreativitas, dan kemandirian sesuai dengan bakat, minat, dan perkembangan fisik serta psikologis peserta didik.
(2) Selain ketentuan sebagaimana dimaksud pada ayat (1), dalam proses pembelajaran pendidik memberikan keteladanan.
(3) Setiap satuan pendidikan melakukan perencanaan proses pembelajaran, pelaksanaan proses
pembelajaran, penilaian hasil pembelajaran, dan pengawasan proses pembelajaran untuk terlaksananya proses pembelajaran yang efektif dan efisien.

Pasal 20
Perencanaan proses pembelajaran meliputi silabus dan rencana pelaksanaan pembelajaran yang memuat sekurang-kurangnya tujuan pembelajaran, materi ajar, metode pengajaran, sumber belajar, dan penilaian hasil belajar.

Pasal 21
(1) Pelaksanaan proses pembelajaran sebagaimana dimaksud dalam Pasal 19 ayat (3) harus memperhatikan jumlah maksimal peserta didik per kelas dan beban mengajar maksimal per pendidik, rasio maksimal buku teks pelajaran setiap peserta didik, dan rasio maksimal jumlah peserta didik setiap pendidik.
(2) Pelaksanaan proses pembelajaran dilakukan dengan mengembangkan budaya membaca dan menulis.

Pasal 22
(1) Penilaian hasil pembelajaran sebagaimana dimaksud dalam Pasal 19 ayat (3) pada jenjang pendidikan dasar dan menengah menggunakan berbagai teknik penilaian sesuai dengan kompetensi dasar yang harus dikuasai. pp-19-2005-standar-nasional-pendidikan.wpd
(2) Teknik penilaian sebagaimana dimaksud pada ayat (1) dapat berupa tes tertulis, observasi, tes praktek, dan penugasan perseorangan atau kelompok.
(3) Untuk mata pelajaran selain kelompok mata pelajaran ilmu pengetahuan dan teknologi pada jenjang pendidikan dasar dan menengah, teknik penilaian observasi secara individual sekurang-kurangnya dilaksanakan satu kali dalam satu semester.

Scholarship Application Tips

by: Low Jeremy

Applying for a scholarship is not just filling up an application form and hope that you get response. It should involve careful evaluation and understanding of the whole application process so as to get better chances of winning your most desired scholarship.

To help you on this, here are the tips that you should consider before and during your scholarship application:

Begin your search early

Like plane seats, more options come during the early stage of application. In other words, if you begin your search early, you can have better chances of landing on the best scholarship awards possible. Think of it this way: if you only apply on the closing days, most scholarship grants are already awarded to those who apply early or most scholarship applications have already closed. On the other hand, if you search for scholarship early, you can find many sponsors that would certainly increase your chances in winning the scholarship.

Apply early

If you begin your search early, you should also apply early. There is not a single day to waste since many students like you are also battling out to win the same scholarship. However, this does not mean that you apply every single grant you find. You still have to evaluate and…

Check your eligibility

There are countless of scholarship grants out there but there are only few that could fit you. To avoid the possible rejection of application, you should check if the scholarship grants and sponsors you are aiming at would fit your need. Read carefully the requirements since this is the best way to know if you are fit with the scholarship that is being offered.

Prepare your requirements early

Never wait for your sponsors to ask for the requirements before you prepare for them. Take note that the sponsors work at a specified timeframes so if you run late on your filling of requirements, you may not get the scholarship.

Create a good application letter

Just like applying writing for a job application letter, the scholarship application letter should show that you are the person to be awarded with the scholarship. Write a good application letter unique from others.

Follow the instruction for writing the essay

Do not go beyond the boundaries of the length limit. Make sure to answer the questions carefully and sincerely. Use simple terms to keep your essay readable.

And finally, check, re-check, and double-check your requirements, essays, letters, and other supporting documents before submitting them to the sponsor.

About The Author

This content is provided by Low Jeremy. It may be used only in its entirety with all links included. For more information on scholarship & other useful information, please visit http://scholarship.articlekeep.com.

Plan a Bright Future ahead with International Student Loans

by: Julia Russell

Education is described as a liberating force and is mandatory for all. But, escalating cost of education is creating hindrance in the way of success for many of the students. Many of the students have opted employment as a means to cope with this shortcoming. But, even this is not possible for all. At such crucial point of time, international student loans can be put to use. These loans are easy to apply for and quick to avail. But, you need to be completely aware of every minute detail of international student loans before taking up one. Here, you can find every inch fact about international student loans, so that you can make most of these loans and reach new heights in your career.

The international student loans are most easy to avail due to bendable terms attached to it. The lenders have a softer attitude towards students for they do not have any source of employment to rely upon. This is one of the reasons why the international student loans are offered at nominal rates of interest. There is absolutely no processing fee attached to it.

The credit history of the co- signer does play a crucial role and can fetch you ostensible deals, as well. The loan amount is transferred directly to the college or school. International student loans cover up a wide array of your expenses like tuition fees, living expenses, hostel fees, computer expense, books and many more.

Your responsibility is to ascertain your need in advance and borrow up to that limit only. For the repayment of the loan amount of international student loans, you will be granted enough time. It is after you have completed your studies and taken up some employment. The most likeable feature of international student loans is that it is not limited to any place. Students from abroad can also avail the benefits of international student loans. With online processing, the entire procedure is much more accessible to all.

About The Author

Julia Russell works as an executive in financial department for Get Student Loans. She has a lot of experience in finance field. To gain more information about student loans, international student loans, private student loans, college student loans, student refinance loans visit http://www.get-student-loans.com

3 Steps To Getting An Online High School Education

by: Dean Iggo

Online high school education might make it possible for you to get your diploma. After you have left school, finishing your education is hard. There are a lot of barriers you have to overcome. High school doesn't fit well into the adult world you live in now, but you need that diploma in order to do what you want to with your life. Here are some ideas for getting your diploma using online high school education.

Step 1: Assess

Start by looking at where you are and where you want to be. If you are only a couple of classes short of the requirements for high school graduation in your school district, maybe they offer the classes over the internet, and you could finish up and graduate from your home high school.

If you need more than a couple of classes to graduate, you could earn your diploma and graduate from an online high school, taking classes to meet their graduation requirements.

Look at where you want to be, too. If you are finishing high school for your own self development, or so that you can advance in your present job, online high school education classes might be what you need. If, however, you want to go to college after you get your diploma, you might be able to find "double duty" classes that will give you both high school and college credit, so that you can enter college ahead of the game.

Step 2: Gather Information

There are four places you should look for online high school education classes: your local school district, community education in your area, local colleges and online high school education providers. Compare the requirements each program has for high school graduation, and what you would have to do to complete those requirements.

Look into ways to pay for your online high school education. If you are under 21, your local school district may be a good place to look for funding. Whether you get help from a local school district or not, you should be able to find a way to complete your high school education for free or at a low cost.

If you plan to enter college when you are done, find out what the entrance requirements are for your top three or four college choices. If they require two years of foreign language, for instance, it is much less expensive to take the classes as part of an online high school education than it is to make up the deficiency later.

Step 3:

Get started. Put together all the information you have gathered, and decide how you will go about getting an online high school education. Do the paperwork, go through the hoops and enroll in a class. You are on your way to completing your diploma through online high school education.

About The Author

Dean Iggo is the webmaster of http://www.continuingstudy.com where you can find the best distance learning programs and degrees to suit your needs including law enforcement training online.

Parenting Your Teenager - Peer Pressure For Teenagers During Their High-School Years

by: Christina Botto

Your teenager faces several areas of peer pressure during his or her high school years.

What makes it even harder for your teenager is that most parents do not understand the depths to which these pressures go.

Cigarettes and Alcohol

Cigarettes and alcohol more than likely will be among the first areas which your teenager will have to face peer pressure. With movies and television flashing images of underage smoking and drinking, most teenagers are shown only the more enjoyable and funny sides of these habits.

High school years are very competitive, and where your teenager stands on the popular scale with the rest of his or her peers is very important. To be considered a "looser" is one of the biggest fears of today's teenager.

To avoid this label they sometimes will portray an image of being tough, rebellious and uncontrolled by their parents. For today's teenagers, smoking and drinking are the easiest ways to declare their independence.


A more dangerous and potentially life-threatening pressure teens face is drugs. The first and most commonly available is marijuana. This is a cheap and readily-available drug in today's society, and most teenagers do not consider it harmful. In their eyes it does not cause serious addictions like heroin or methamphetamines. The marijuana use depicted in movies and television does not show teenagers that marijuana is illegal and that being caught under the influence or in possession of such an item can ruin their future. Additionally, smoking marijuana may lead to more serious drugs such as heroin, crack or methamphetamines.


Every year the age at which teenagers begin having sex gets younger and younger. In order to be popular or liked by boys, a girl must be willing to have sex. Otherwise, they are considered "up-tight" and are paid no attention. Boys who are not willing to have casual sex with a girl are considered weak. Oral sex has become very popular among today's teenager due to teens' belief believe that it isn't serious since there is no risk of pregnancy.

What Parents Can Do

Telling your teenager not to give into these peer pressures will have little or no effect. Your teenager equates his popularity among his friends with his self worth. The more insecure your teenager is, the more likely he will give into these pressures to be accepted and popular.

Threats and punishment by parents put additional pressure on teenagers. Now they face the pressure from their peers on one side and the threats from their parents on the other side. Trying to avoid or ease some of the pressure, teenagers may avoid contact with their parents or lie to them.

Instead, you should recognize that fitting in and not being called a looser is a very serious and important to your teen. Convey to your teen that you understand the pressures she is facing. Offer to open discuss situations and incidents - without the threat of punishment or judgment. This will encourage your teenager to talk and lead them to trust you for advice about specific issues they are facing. By openly discussing the pressures they are facing with you, you will have a chance to voice your concerns and your opinion. Your teenager will be far more receptive to your suggestions if situations are discussed peacefully.

Be open with your teenager about all forms of sexual intercourse. Explain that there are other reasons not to become sexually involved too early. Besides worrying about pregnancy and the spread of sexually transmitted diseases and AIDS, remind your teenager that they also need to consider their pride and self respect.

About The Author

Christina Botto has been involved with helping parents and teenagers resolve complicated issues for more than 14 years, observing and developing parenting strategies. Her dedication to helping parents inspired her to write her book, 'Help Me With My Teenager! A Step-by-step Guide for Parents that Works.' Christina continues to help parents and their teens through her website http://www.helpwithteenagers.com

Home School Resource - Help With High School Homeschooling

by: Rebecca Welch

Homeschooling your child through his or her senior year in high school can be demanding and difficult. There are many things to consider as you guide your child through their final years of their secondary education and on towards college. Here are a few ideas to discuss with your child concerning their final and important years of education.

The Money Factor

Expenses generally skyrocket in the last few years with more challenging textbooks to purchase and additional after school activities. Some cities have homeschooling co-ops established to help parents cope with the rising cost of education. Local libraries can be an excellent informational resource and also give other homeschoolers a place to meet or share advice. One of the best low cost options is to join the local home school organization and share textbooks with other parents as often as possible to defray the expense.

Do you have an advanced student?

Teaching an advanced student can be scary, but parents should be proud of what they have helped their child accomplish. Online home schooling resources can be a great help for the advanced student. Many challenging curriculums can be purchased and completed online with tutoring help available when necessary. Online academies often provide textbooks and other home schooling supplies. Virtual classrooms where students can use a web cam to participate in class is another excellent alternative. They may also use lecture based courses online.

Post Secondary Option for Advanced Students

Post secondary level classes at your local university or junior college have some advantages for your student. Your child can avoid the stigma of being ‘the new kid’ because college faces change every semester. At times you might not be required to pay college tuition for the classes that your high school child takes. Your child can earn high school credit and enjoy socialization as well as mental stimulation that college classes provide.

Transferring your homeschooler to private or public school?

For many parents, home schooling a high school age child can be extremely difficult. Some feel they should transition their child to a private or public high school, however, the stress of the transition can wreck havoc on a teenager. Public high school environments can seem unfriendly, stilted and restrictive to a child who has had theloving support and educational flexibility of being homeschooled. Private school could be an alternative, but there are still the drawbacks of public schools plus the added burden of cost with a private institution. In addition to adjusting to a new environment, if you decide to transition your homeschooled teenager you must also be mindful of the "new kid" syndrome that so often occurrs. This can be especially difficult for homeschooled children who may be viewed as "weird" or "strange" by both students and teachers alike. Weigh your options carefully before plunging your child back into mainstream education.

Are there any additional options?

Feeling uncertain or over-whelmed about home schooling your senior high school student is normal. If transitioning your homeschooled child to public or private high school isn't an option, you might consider the following options. Network with other parents who home school their children. Have each parent discuss what they feel they are best at teaching. Find parents who would be willing to trade skills in order to gain the best education for their children. A parent who is skilled in Math or Science and enjoys teaching high school age students might be willing to teach your child in exchange for teaching one of their children English or a foreign language. In this way, both students will benefit from additional stimulation and extra socialization.

About The Author

Rebecca Welch is a successful webmaster and freelance writer for http://home-school-resource.blogspot.com. Did you find the tips on http://bec1967.magiclearn.hop.clickbank.net useful? Learn more aboout http://bec1967.magiclearn.hop.clickbank.net

Parenting Teenagers: Tips On Starting High School

by: Aurelia Williams

Teenagers all over the world will take the leap from child to young adult this fall. They will be entering High School for the first time. This milestone brings a variety of feelings and emotions. They are beginning four of the most difficult, yet most memorable years of their life. If you think you are anxious and scared, try being your teen.

Here are a few Parenting Teenager tips on how to make the best of this stressful and confusing time in your teenager’s life.

Be Open and Understanding

Realize that your teen is going to be stressed and irritable for the first few weeks of their freshman year. There are many things that can contribute to your teen’s moodiness or withdrawn state. They are experiencing numerous changes in their life; all at the same time. Just like when you are pushed to your max with stress, your teen may experience headaches, stomachaches, or sleepiness. They need time and space to figure it all out in their own mind. Be patient and give them the time they need to sort things out for themselves.

Be Available and Reassuring

They may be young adults with a need to start making more decisions on their own and taking on more responsibility, but that doesn’t mean that they are full blown adults with minds that can handle all the stress and pressure of taking on those tasks. Reassure them that you are there when they need you and also how to “back off” when necessary so they can figure things out for themselves.

Your teenager is just that, a teen. You need to let them know that you trust them to make their own decisions. Let them know that you are always there should they get stuck and need a helping hand from someone they trust. Show them in ways other than saying things such as, “I’m here if you want to talk.” It’s not always easy for a teenager to start up a serious conversation, especially with Mom or Dad. There are times when you need to get creative. Depending on your teen that may mean writing a letter or taking them shopping and talking about what’s going on in their life while driving.

Be Supportive and Loving

Your teenager is no longer the ‘big dog’, but instead a ‘newbie’. Teenagers need to know that Mom and/or Dad support their decisions. They may have a difficult time fitting in; therefore, the need to try new things is necessary and helps them to figure out who they are. As long as the activity is not detrimental to them or anyone else, let them try a new sport, club, or other extracurricular hobby.

Support them in their decision, even if you know in the long run they will not participate next year. Give them the opportunity to find out for themselves if they enjoy certain activities. Remind them that family is something that will always be there. They are moving away from you as a parent but not disconnecting with the family completely and that’s ok.

Set Routines and Limits

Yes, they may be growing up, but they aren’t adults yet. Even teenagers need routines and limits. It will help to make the transition to high school easier on both of you if make limits together before the first week of school. Sit down and tell your child what your expectations are and really listen to their expectations of you as well. Settle on certain guidelines and routines that make both of you happy with the end result. This not only puts your mind at ease, but will also show your teen that you acknowledge that they are capable of making sound decisions and taking other’s considerations into account.

Parenting Teenagers can be a trying time and high school can seem overwhelming for them. Share in the good times and be there to lean on for the bad. Before you know it, you’ll be catching that cap and tassel at your teen’s graduation.

About The Author

Aurelia Williams is the host of http://www.parentingmyteen.com and is also the owner of http://www.reallifesolutions.net, a free resource site for moms.

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