Fill Out This Personality Form to Find Out!
Rate the below items on a 1 (don't agree) to 5 scale (strongly agree) :
- ____ Creating & building relationships is not challenging and comes easy to me!
- ____ I am known for courage, strength of character, loyalty, integrity and work ethic.
- ____ I am open to trying new things in different ways to succeed and enjoy life to the fullest!
- ____ Producing results makes me happy and excites me as well.
- ____ I am accountable, reliable and there when called upon!
- ____ I know what I want to accomplish in life and how I want to get there, on my life's plan!
- ____ I am a great team player and comfortable working with others closely.
- ____ I believe I am an optimistic and positive person!
- ____ I live my life true to my values and have a strong understanding of who I am!
- ____ I am willing to stand up for what I believe in and am confident in my own decisions.
- ____ I understand there is always more to life and I am working to achieve it!
- ____ I am willing to step outside of my comfort zone on a regular basis.
- ____ I have people in my life that are helping me succeed because they believe in me.
- ____ I want a better life and regularly consider how each decision affects my prosperity.
- ____ I believe I am talented and capable of succeeding in life in anything I put my mind to!
If you scored 65 or less, I completely recommend that you seek a personality coach for regular coaching or advice! Don't be afraid to obtain the most out of life and gain the best that life has to offer! Personality has the ability to open many doors, and we want to help you! Visit our website here!
Author: Robert Slavicek
5 Comment:
ehem ..
selamat menempuh hidup baru iia ..
pak, saya mohon bantuan bwt SEO.na dunn :)
Thank you, see you next semester!
wah . . masih lama dunn
kangen am pelajaran TIK ni pak ..
kok g ad ulanganny c pak ? :(
oiia pak, saya mao nanya,
klo saya pake keyword "Kompetisi Website Kompas MuDA - IM2" di gugle , itu kok sepertinya g k index ya ?pdahl dlonya nomer satu pak :(
pi klo keyword yang laennya k index
itu apanya yang salah ya pak ??
thx b4
Belum terkunjungi Om Google.. mungkin konten untuk judul posting tsb kurang menarik.. edit lagi dan sabar menunggu! jgn lupa ada yg namanya "meta keyword"!
sepertiny sudahh pak
wong dlo saya peringkat satu kok
udd tak edit kok metanya
emank saingan saya berat2 pak :(
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